NTV Super Giant Print Bible (Santa Biblia Letra Super Gigante)-Brown LeatherLike


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Perfect as a pulpit Bible, as a commemorative Bible, and for those who prefer giant print for reading” “The translators of the Nueva Traducci?n Viviente set out to render the message of the original texts of Scripture into clear, contemporary Spanish. The scholars who worked on this project kept in mind the concerns of both translation theories: formal-equivalence and dynamic-equivalence. Their goal was to be both faithful to the ancient texts and eminently readable. The result is a translation that is both accurate and powerful.
El lenguaje claro, c?lido y de f?cil comprensi?n de la Nueva Traducci?n Viviente (NTV) se presenta aqu? en letra s?per gigante. Con un tama?o de letra de 14 puntos, esta Biblia es ideal para la lectura desde el p?lpito y tambi?n hace que la lectura personal y devocional sea una experiencia muy placentera. Sus caracter?sticas incluyen:
Introducci?n a cada libro
Palabras de Cristo en rojo
Mapas a todo color
P?gina de presentaci?n
Cinta marcadora
The warm, inviting, and easy-to-understand language of the Nueva Traducci?n Viviente (NTV) Scripture text is presented here in super giant print. With 14-point font, this Bible is ideal for pulpit readings while also providing a very pleasant personal Bible-reading experience. Features include:
Book introductions
Words of Christ in red
Full-color maps
Presentation page