The Complete WordStudy Dictionary: For a Deeper Understanding of the Word (New Testament)


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SKU: 9780899576633 Categories: , Tag:


MSRP $49.99 1505 Pages
6 x 9 inches
Trade Hardbound

Every word in the Greek New Testament is explained in great detail, covering all context usages for these words. Numbered to Strong’s numbering system, each word has a basic definition and further commentary is provided by Dr. Spiros Zodhiates, noted Greek scholar.

Features for this Dictionary include:

Translational Reference Index to English New Testament Words
Strong’s Dictionary of New Testament Words included in lexical entries
Grammatical and Language helps
Contextual and cultural information
Complete detailed lexical information on every word in Greek New Testament

About the Author:

Spiros Zodhiates was born to Greek parents on the island of Cyprus. After completing his Greek education, he attended the American University in Cairo, Egypt, The National Bible Institute (now Shelton College), and New York University. He earned his Doctor of Theology degree from Luther Rice Seminary. In addition, Dr. Zodhiates has been the recipient of several honorary doctorates.

In 1946, he came to the United States at the invitation of the American Mission to the Greeks, Inc. At that time, there were two part-time employees who met in a small, one-room office. Dr. Zodhiates became president of this organization in 1966. Now known as AMG International (‘Advancing the Ministries of the Gospel’), it carries on a worldwide evangelistic and relief ministry and has its headquarters in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Dr. Zodhiates is a recognized authority on the Greek New Testament, and has edited an edition of the Modern Greek New Testament that was published by the Million Testaments Campaign and the American Bible Society. He is the author of numerous exegetical books and booklets in both the Greek and English languages. In addition, he is heard daily on the New Testament Light radio program, released over a network of stations across the United States and Canada. Click here to learn more about Spiros Zodhiates.