NASB The New Inductive Study Bible – H/C
Discovering The Truth For Yourself
Readers will discover simple but powerful tools for
discovering what the Bible says, what it means, and how to live its truths.
Features include:
- Updated NASB text in a compact, convenient size
- An inductive
study method explanation and instructions for marking text - Overviews of each book
- Insights on accurately interpreting biblical truth
- Full color charts and maps
- Wide margins for note taking.
ISBN: 0736900160
Publisher: Harvest
House Publishers
Size: 6 1/4″ x 9
3/8″ x 2″
Binding: Hardcover
Release Date: July
01, 2000
Point Size: 10
Translation: New
American Standard Bible – Updated Edition
Watch Kay On-Line
Kay Arthur and her husband, Jack, are the founders of
Precept Ministries International. This ministry reaches hundreds of thousands of
people internationally through “Precept Upon Precept” Bible studies and Kay’s
radio and television program Precepts for Life. Kay is the bestselling author of
more than 100 books and Bible studies, and is also the active spokeswoman for
The New Inductive Study Bible.
Editorial Reviews:
“This Bible is an excellent choice for parents, teachers, pastors and youth
who are serious about genuinely studying Scripture for understanding and
application. The features are designed to encourage productive study with
lasting results ? it is a Bible that will be used, and used and most importantly
understood so it can be lived.”
(About the Children’s Department, Resources for Effective
Children’s Ministry)
Reader’s Reviews
“I am always delighted to recommend Kay’s materials because of her integrity
to the Word.”
(Dr. Nell Maxwell, Founder and President Emeritus, Women Alive)
“Wow! This is an AWESOME Bible! It has just about everything you could ask
for in the best known English Translation! Many Side study books dive deep into
the word making sure every last drop gets absorbed. This Book is most excellent
for those who like to follow a pattern yet like to be free to form their own
views and Discover the Truth for Yourself.”
(Joe Elmendorf)
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