KJV Cambridge Concord Wide Margin Reference Black Goatskin Leather Bible


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Generous wide margins all around the text, a clear
typeface and increased inter-line spacing are features that make this Bible very

full cross-references yet no distracting indicators in the text itself. Glorious soft goatskin leather that wraps around your hand.


Typography: 8/9 pt Times Semi-bold

Page size: 9 x 7.25 x 1.75 inches

Page extent: 1408 pages

Red Letter: No

Bible paper

black-letter text

15 color maps and gazetteer

two ribbon markers

gilt or art-gilt edges

56 lined pages for note

ISBN: 9780521536981 and 0521536987

Cambridge Style Number: KWM266 and



  • Wide margins: all around the
    text for note-taking
  • References: show the links between verses
  • Concordance: makes verses easy to find
  • Glossary: for obscure biblical words
  • Pronunciation: marks help with names and places
  • Preface: ‘The Translation to the Reader’ of 1611
  • Note Section: Lines paper for additional notes
  • Paper: Smooth, opaque and resilient
  • Sewn Binding: Enables the Bible to open flat
  • Cover: Traditional goatskin leather (real Morocco)

The Cambridge

  • Cambridge
    Bibles are unconditionally guaranteed for life against defective materials
    or workmanship of any kind.