KJV 1611 Edition Black Genuine Leather Bible (With the Original 1611 Apocryphal Books)


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KJV Bible–1611 Edition: Genuine Leather, Black
Retail: $79.95

Size: 5.25 x
8.25 inches; 8-pt type


Pages: 1536

Pub Date: 2010

ISBN: 9781565631625

ISBN-13: 9781565631625

Product Description

400th Anniversary Edition

For 400 years, the Authorized Version of the Bible—popularly known as
the King James Version—has been beloved for its majestic phrasing and
stately cadences. No other book has so profoundly influenced our
language and our theology. Over time, however, the text has suffered
subtle and occasionally troublesome alterations. This edition preserves
the original 1611 printing. Word for word and page for page, the text
with its original marginal notes, preface, and other introductory
material appears as it first did. The sole concession to modernity is a
far more readable roman typeface set by nineteenth-century master

“A valuable and essential addition to every Bible library.”

R. Kohlenberger III


• Original preface and translators’ notes

Alfred Pollard’s classic essay on pre-1611 English translations and the
history of the Authorized Version

• New essays on the enduring impact
of the KJV and the Apocrypha

• Handsome page design with decorative

• Page-edge gilding and ribbon marker (genuine leather only)

• Clear 8Pt type is convenient to read and reference

• Special logo
on book spine and packaging commemorates the 400th Anniversary

Includes the Apocrypha

Explore This Book

Table of contents

Sample Chapter


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