Jesus Today – Experience Hope Through His Presence by Sarah Young – Hardcover


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Hope shine brightest when your world is darkest.

Jesus TodayTM was written during a very difficult time in Sarah Young’s life. Yet the words of Scripture and Jesus’ own Presence were ever near, bringing her
hope and comfort for each new day.

Whether you are needing a lifeline in your discouragement, or simply longing for
an encouraging boost in your day, this new devotional book—a sequel to the #1
bestelling Jesus Calling®—will speak that same hope into your life. It is
written as if Jesus Himself is assuring you that He is in control, that He is
good, and that a glorious future awaits all who anchor their hope in Him.

Reaching out with peace-filled reminders of Jesus’ Presence from the Word of
God—and from the heart of Sarah’s time with the Savior—these devotions will
intimately, quietly connect you with Jesus, the One who meets you right where
you are.

Book Details:

  • ISBN-10 1400320097

  • ISBN-13 9781400320097

  • Length 368 Pages

  • Publication Date October 9, 2012

  • Company:
    Thomas Nelson

  • Size: 6 1/4 x 4 1/4 x 1 3/16 Inches


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