The full NRSV Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books in an economical hardcover binding with helpful text subheadings.
Cambridge University Press
ISBN-10: 0521507766
ISBN-13: 9780521507769
Edition: Hardcover
imensions: 5.14 x 8.25
Number of Pages: 262
Publication Date: Mar. 93
Typography: 8/9 pt Photina 747
Spine width: 18 mm (0.75 inches)
The full NRSV Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books in a separate, economical hardback volume.
Bible paper
Helpful text sub-headings
Contents (Books):
Tobit; Judith; Esther
The Wisdom of Solomon; Sirach; Baruch; Letter of Jeremiah
Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Jews; Susanna; Bel and the Dragon
1, 2, 3 & 4 Maccabees; 1, 2 Esdras; Prayer of Manasseh; Psalm 151
The New Revised Standard Version has established a reputation as one of the most reliable and accurate translation for study. It follows in the traditions of the KJV and RSV, but makes full use of advances in recent scholarship and and archaeological insights. Many of the Apocryphal or DeuterocanonicaBooks have been translated with reference to Greek texts whose authority has been enhanced by manuscripts discovereat Qumran, Masada and other Biblical sites.
The NRSV was translated by an international team of scholars from all the major denominations and can therefore be used confidently by those from different Christian traditions. Its universal appeal is enhanced by its use of inclusive language and its translation style, which conveys the meaning of the original texts faithfully but still gracefully and clearly.
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