Every Single Man’s Battle Staying on the Path of Sexual Purity – Paperback


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Powerful ammunition for your war against sexual temptation.
As a man, you’re bombarded by sexual images and battle inner urges. You want to
do right—in fact, you want to meet God’s standard of avoiding any hint of sexual
immorality. But accomplishing that goal is a challenge.
If you are a single man struggling to remain sexually pure, you are not alone—
there’s practical, hard-hitting help from the authors of the blockbuster Every
Man Series. Every Single Man’s Battle guides you—or your men’s
group—through an honest and clear exploration of God’s Word. You’ll undertake a
personal journey into key scriptures, wrestle with questions for reflection and
examination, and discover the practical tools and biblical strategies you need
to live the pure life God calls you to—even while living in a sexually-soaked
Make a frontal assault on the temptation every single man faces. This book
provides all the resources you need.

Praise for Every Man’s Battle and Every Young Man’s Battle
by Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker, andMike Yorkey
“There is no more common enemy of true manhood than the diversion or the
perversion of our sexual capacities. I welcome every contribution to the arsenal
of resistance.”
—JACKW. HAYFORD, LITTD, founding pastor of the Church on theWay and
chancellor of The King’s University
“This book will revolutionize the marriage of every man who reads it. Why?
Because every man battles sexual temptations and every marriage grows stronger
when these temptations are defeated. The vulnerable, honest, and insightful
pages of this book reveal what every man must know.”
—DRS. LES AND LESLIE PARROTT, authors of Saving Your Marriage Before It

“This timely resource presents clear practical principles for sexual purity.
Arterburn and Stoeker call for courage, commitment, and self-discipline as they
lead men into a more successful relationship with God, family, and spouse. This
book is truly for every man.”
—DR. JOHN C. MAXWELL, founder of EQUIP
“God has used Steve Arterburn countless times to impact my heart and life; I am
thankful for him and his investment in Every Man’s Battle. I am also
grateful for Fred Stoeker. Fred pours himself into this book with honesty,
vulnerability, and a practical strategy to fight the good fight. He offers
biblical truth and hope to anyone with ears to hear how to battle the war of
sexual temptation. Read with an open heart—Every Man’s Battle may save your
marriage and your witness.”
—DR. GARY ROSBERG, president of America’s Family Coaches and coauthor of
Guard Your Heart
and The Five Love Needs of Men and Women

Every Young Man’s Battle does the best job I have ever seen on the
subject of sexual temptation. Once upon a time we lived in a world that didn’t
talk about secrets, and that world has brought us to the mess we are in today.
Young men must have an honest, blunt, and unashamedly Christian look at their
sexuality. This book will save thousands of future marriages.”
—JIM BURNS, president of HomeWord

Book Details:

  • ISBN: 1400071283

  • ISBN-13: 9781400071289

  • Author: Arterburn Stephen

  • Publisher: WaterBrook Press

  • Retail Price: 12.99

  • Weight lbs.: 0.6