Bible Dictionary, Holman Quicksource


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Holman QuickSource Bible Dictionary
Most Bible teachers say a Bible dictionary is the first reference tool a fledgling student of the Bible should acquire. The Holman QuickSource Bible Dictionary is a great tool for beginners and experienced Christians to study the Bible. It’s definitions are both carefully researched and accessible. Definitions are designed to give the user a quick understanding of a term right up front and then, in many cases, go into more detail for those who want this level of description. Clear, concise definitions are enhanced by the large number of colorful maps, photos, and reconstructions of biblical objects. The size of the dictionary strikes the right balance making it both easy-to-carry and easy-to-see and use. The lay flat binding keeps the dictionary open at the page being consulted during personal study or group activities.

ISBN 13: 9780805494464
ISBN 10: 0805494464
Trim Size: 9.3 x 5 x 0.09 inches
Page Count: 400
Weight: 1.38
Publisher: B&H Publishers (Holman)
Binding: Paperback
Publication Date: April 2005


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