KJV Cambridge Standard Text Bible Hardcover KJ41R


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This edition offers the text of the KJV in an exceptionally clear and
readable type, with red-letter text to highlight the words of Christ. Although
the text is a generous size, the Bible is still a comfortable size and weight to
carry. There is a glossary of fourteen pages to explain some of the lesser known
words of seventeenth-century English, and a Bible-reading guide.

ISBN: 9780521873833

Black Hard Cover
Retail Price: $ 24.99
Dimensions: 5.25 x 7.5

Spine width:
1 1/8 inches
Number of Pages: 1,280
Typography: 8 pt Antique Old Style No. 3


Style: KJ41R
Publication Date: Dec. 06 – a previous printing of this
Bible was missing v. Mark 8:13 – that has been corrected in this latest printing
Status: Available

The King
James Version has been the most widely known and quoted version of the Bible for
over three centuries. And the KJV Standard Text Edition is the Bible of choice
for those occasions when you just want a well-made, good quality KJV text
edition, with minimal extras.
This edition offers the text of the KJV in an exceptionally clear and readable
type, with red-letter text to highlight the words of Christ. Although the text
is a generous size, the Bible is still a comfortable size and weight to carry.
There is a glossary of fourteen pages to explain some of the lesser known words
of seventeenth-century English, and a Bible-reading guide.
Features of this edition include:

  • Bible paper

  • Red-letter text

  • Bible word list

  • Reading plan

  • Head and tail bands

  • Sewn binding


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